Monday, July 11, 2011


I have searched for the writer of this song many times but have not been able to find out who wrote the song.  I learned it in the early 1960’s from a traveling evangelist, Sis. Jessie Enloe.  I have found verses with other words, though, and possibly this song was never published nor copyrighted(?)
If anyone knows the writer of the words and/or music, please let me know.

TREASURES ON THE OTHER SIDE             F          4/4
                 By     ?            As sung by Jessie Enloe, in 1960’s

1. I am but a pilgrim stranger as I travel here below,
A citizen of Heaven, I am happy as I go;
The world may think me poor and pass me by with scornful pride,
But they don't know I've treasures on the other side.

On the other side, treasures there have I,
Treasures that this world and all it's wealth could never buy;
So, when I reach that city, and the gates swing open wide,
I'll find my treasures waiting on the other side.

2. Some may have their houses, some their land and gold,
But in the Bank of Heaven, I have wealth that can’t be told.
The moth and rust cannot decay and thieves can ne’er abide,
My treasures are all safe upon the other side.

3. You ask me why I’m happy of things of which I boast,
I’ve said goodbye to all the world and things that charm me most;
I’ve had a vision of my Lord, who for me bled and died,
He’s the greatest treasure on the other side!

Treasures On the Other Side (Other verse words)

1  A mansion and a shining crown are waiting there for me ,
My friends and my loved ones there with my own eyes I’ll see ,
Once that I’m safely helped across the swelling tide,
That’s my treasures waiting on the other side.

On the other side, treasures there have I,
Treasures that this world and all its wealth could never buy;
When I reach that city and the gates wing open wide,
Find my treasures waiting on the other side.

2  A pilgrim met a stranger here who’s journeyed here before,
Seen a side of heaven I’m so happy as I go;
The world may think me poor and pass me by with scornful pride,
They don’t know our treasures on the other side.

3  You’ll wonder why I’m happy in the things of which I boast,
Saying goodbye to this world and the things that charm me most,
Had a vision of my Lord, who for me bled and died,
And that’s my greatest treasure on the other side.


  1. Replies
    1. Jimmy Swaggart sang it but he did not write it. I'm 75 years old and have heard it all my life.

  2. My family has sang this song for many, many years. I have been searching for the lyrics for the past 40 years. I combed through hymnals and independent song books. What a thrill to finally find the lyrics.
